CHAM Exam Application Form

    If yes, attach a written detail of dates and the reasons for loss of the designation or candidacy.

    Experience Summary:

    Education/Professional Education:

    Two Letters of Recommendation (please upload pdf below):

    Note: If possible based on the nature of experience, one letter should be from a current or previous supervisor and the other should be from a current or former client/partner.

    Examination Preference:

    Exams may be taken online with a CHAM proctor or in person in conjunction with the semi-annual HAMA conferences. Please state your preference below:

    Asset Management Employment History:

    Instructions: Please provide all relevant asset management employment experience. You may substitute a professional resume in lieu of this schedule if desired. This information is subject to audit and verification.

    YearEmployerTitleHome Office Location

    Certificate of Lead Asset Management Experience:

    Instructions: Provide detailed examples of your lead asset management experience for at least the past 7 years on as many individual hotels as possible. Copy this page as needed. This information is subject to audit and verification.

    Detailed Description - A detailed description of your lead asset management efforts on this hotel (i.e your specific oversight of areas such as acquisition/underwriting / due diligence support, rebranding, renovation, repositioning, revenue / cost improvement, major contracts & leases, value-creation, capital expenditures, refinance/recapitalization, disposition, etc.)

    Supervisor/Owner/Client - Name & contact information of supervisor/owner/client (who can confirm your lead asset management efforts on this hotel)

    YearEmployerTitleHotel (City,State)Detailed DescriptionSupervisor/Owner/Client
    Two Letters of Recommendation :